Journal Publications

  • Yang, M., Taiebat, M., and Radjai, F. (2022). "Liquefaction of granular materials in constant-volume cyclic shearing: Transition between solid-like and fluid-like states." Computers and Geotechnics, (in press). .
  • Duque, J., Yang, M., Fuentes, W., Masin, D., and Taiebat, M. (2022). "Characteristic limitations of advanced plasticity and hypoplasticity models for cyclic loading of sands." Acta Geotechnica, (in press). .
  • Yang, M., Taiebat, M., Mutabaruka P., and Radjai, F. (2022). "Evolution of granular media under constant-volume multidirectional cyclic shearing." Acta Geotechnica, 17, 779-802. .
  • Yang, M., Taiebat, M., and Dafalias, Y. F. (2022). "SANISAND-MSf: a sand plasticity model with memory surface and semifluidised state." Géotechnique, 72(3), 227-246. .
  • Yang, M., Taiebat, M., Mutabaruka P., and Radjai, F. (2021). "Evolution of granular materials under isochoric cyclic simple shearing." Physical Review E, 103(3), 032904. .
  • Reyes, A., Yang, M., Barrero, A. R., and Taiebat, M. (2021). "Numerical modeling of soil liquefaction and lateral spreading using the SANISAND-Sf model in the LEAP experiments." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 143, 106613. .
  • Yang, M., Seidalinov, G., and Taiebat, M. (2019). "Multidirectional cyclic shearing of clays and sands: Evaluation of two bounding surface plasticity models." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 124, 230-258. .